News Releases
When requesting assistance from Visit Jacksonville, please fill out this form and include all requested information.
Each individual opportunity will be evaluated, and recommendations will be made, on a case-by-case basis. Please review the information below. If you meet the tier criteria, complete and submit the form.
All visits are subject to approval and hotel availability.
Visit Jacksonville requires at least four weeks advance notice to plan your visit. If you have questions, please contact Andrea Mestdagh at amestdagh@visitjacksonville.com.
This is for writers and/or crew for major national or regional print/digital/broadcast media outlets who have an assignment to cover Jacksonville as a travel destination. Anticipated coverage is based on the assignment and could include a TV broadcast/video, magazine feature, newspaper feature and/or digital story.
This is for writers and/or crew for major national or regional print/digital/broadcast media outlets who hope to secure an assignment to cover Jacksonville as a travel destination based on what is experienced during the trip. Anticipated coverage could include a TV broadcast/video, magazine feature, newspaper feature and/or digital story.
A member of the Visit Jacksonville communications team will get back to you within 3 business days of submission. Thank you!