Site Visit Planning Tool
Heading to Jax for a destination site visit? Plan out your site visit before you arrive.
How can we help you? Whether your event is booked or you’re just getting started, our Meeting Planner Toolkit has everything you'll need to market Jacksonville to your group.
Our seasoned and savvy Destination Experience team is here to share our love and expertise of Jacksonville to help you curate a memorable event.
Access Visit Jacksonville’s network of local businesses to assist with your event. We can connect you or serve as liaison to obtain proposals.
AVL Productions
Phone: 904-551-1315
Email: contact@avlproductions.com
Encore Event Technologies (Hyatt Regency in-house company)
Phone: 904-360-8651
Kennetic Productions, Inc.
Phone: 904-372-8570
Email: info@kenneticproductions.com
Mugwump Productions
Phone: 904-389-9971
Email: info@mugwumpproductions.com
PRI Productions
Phone: 904-398-8179
Email: info@priproductions.com
Sight & Sound Productions
Phone: 904-645-7880
Email: info@ssav.net
Catering by Liz
Phone: 904-387-1955
Email: info@cateringbyliz.com
Chef’s Garden
Phone: 904-399-4449
Email: Office@CateringJacksonville.com
Clara's Tidbits Restaurant & Catering
Phone: 904-396-0528
Email: clarastidbits@gmail.com
PJ’s Catering Services
Phone: 904-619-9410
Email: info@jaxcaterer.com
Well-Oiled Events
Phone: 904-515-5071
Email: info@welloiledevents.com
All About Events
Phone: 904-379-6822
Email: nicola.fulford@allabouteventsjax.com
Balloon and Event Construction Company
Phone: 904-220-5411
Email: info@balloonandevents.com
Beachview Event Rentals & Design
Phone: 912-510-3800
Email: status@beachview.net
Destination Planning Corporation
Phone: 904-249-3729
Email: aurban@destinationplanning.com
Event Décor and More
Phone: 904-219-5746
Email: carla@EventDecorAndMore.us
Event Works
Phone: 904-323-3316
Email: jaxinfo@eventworksrentals.com
Jacksonville’s Choice Events, LLC
Phone: 904-568-9010
Email: jacksonvilleschoiceevents@gmail.com
Luxe Party Rentals
Phone: 904-576-4098
Email: info@luxepartyrentals.com
Mugwump Productions
Phone: 904-389-9971
Email: info@mugwumpproductions.com
PRI Productions
Phone: 904-398-8179
Email: info@priproductions.com
Active Escapes
Phone: 904-679-4072
Email: info@activeescapes.com
Corporate 1 Events
Phone: 407-342-2712
Email: paul@corporate1events.com
Destination Planning Corporation
Phone: 904-249-3729
Email: Info@destinationplanning.com
PRI Productions
Phone: 904-398-8179
Email: info@priproductions.com
Brandi Hill Photography
Phone: 904-616-2402
Email: Brandi@brandihill.com
Complete Wedding & Events
Phone: 904-335-0667 / 904-803-3736
Email: kathy@CompleteWeddingJacksonville.com
Jenn Guthrie Photography
Phone: 904-710-5969
Email: jennguthrie.photography@yahoo.com
Ken McCray Photography
Phone: 904-737-1188
Email: ken@kenmccray.com
Sarah Hedden Photography
Phone: 904-504-1759
Email: sarah@sarahhedden.com
Severine Photography
Phone: 904-564-5080
Email: luis@severinephotography.com
Tonya Beaver Photography
Phone: 904-382-6354
Email: tonya@tonyabeaverphotography.com
In Style Booths
Phone: 904-863-6040
Email: jessica@instylebooths.com
Jax Booth
Phone: 904-504-1759
Email: sarah@sarahheddenphotography.com
PhotoBooth Pixel
Phone: 904-419-3029
Email: info@photoboothpixel.com
ShutterBooth Jacksonville
Phone: 904-863-6040
Email: jacksonville@shutterbooth.com
Allegiance Staffing
Phone: 904-398-2005
Website: Allegiance Staffing | Jobs in Jacksonville, FL
Express Employment Professionals
Phone: 904-800-2933
Website: https://expresspros.com/jacksonvillenefl/
Hospitality Staffing
Phone: 904-559-9937
Email: info@hospitalitystaff.com
Website: www.hospitalitystaff.com
People Ready
Phone: 904.354.2205
Email: 7136-br@peopleready.com
Website: www.peopleready.com
Spherion Staffing
Phone: 904-356-0000
Email: marmekopp@spherion.com
Website: www.spherion.com
About Town Limo
Phone: 904-398-8400
Email: info@abouttownlimousine.com
Website: www.abouttownlimousine.com
Academy Bus, LLC
Phone: 904-355-9999
Email: facebook@academybus.com
Website: www.academybuscharter.com
Adlib Tours
Phone: 904-827-1845
Email: gary@adlibtours.com
Website: www.adlibtours.com
Annett Bus Lines
Phone: 904-778-2331
Email: sales@annettbuslines.com
Website: www.annettbuslines.com
Dana's Limousine & Transportation
Phone: 904-744-3333
Email: reservations@danaslimo.com
Website: www.danaslimo.com
Echo East Coast Transportation
Phone: 904-631-5466
Website: echoeastcoast.com
GoGo Charters
Phone: 904-567-8317
Email: info@gogocharters.com
Website: http://gogocharters.com/jacksonville-charter-bus
Go Tuk’n
Phone: 904-322-8444
Email: hello@gotukn.com
Website: Jacksonville Mobile Bar, Tours & Transportation | Go Tuk'n (gotukn.com)
Jax Black Car Transportation
Phone: 904-372-8084
Email: Support@JaxBlackCar.com
Website: https://JaxBlackCar.com
Riverplace Limo
Phone: 904-646-6477
Email: info@riverplacelimo.com
Website: https://riverplacelimo.com/contact-us
EZ Airport Shuttle
Phone: 904-741-3740
Email: ezoperations1@ gmail.com
Website: www.ezshuttle.net/home.php
JAX Airport Transportation
Phone: 904-233-9574
Email: info@jaxairportshuttles.com
Website: www.jacksairportshuttle.com
Super Shuttle Express
Phone: 1-800-258-3826
Website: https://www.supershuttle.com/l...;
zTrip Jacksonville
Phone: 904-222-2222
Website: www.ztrip.com/jacksonville/
Our Services team can provide information to help develop the wow factor for your program, giving your attendees an #onlyinjax experience.
3-Ring Circus
Phone: 904-806-4344
Email: sparkycircus@gmail.com
Website: www.3-ringcircus.com
AAA Big Top Entertainment
Phone: 904-307-2499
Email: info@clownmagicianjax.net
Website: www.clownmagicianjax.net
Art Z Faces
Phone: 904-607-1197
Email: artzfacesjax@gmail.com
Website: www.art-z-faces.com
Bill's Caricatures
Phone: 904-803-6589
Email: bill@billscaricatures.com
Website: https://billscaricatures.com/
Jacksonville Event Rentals
Phone: 904-249-3729
Email: info@JacksonvilleEventRentals.com
Website: Entertainment | Jaxeventrentals (jacksonvilleeventrentals.com)
David Jaison Mentalism
Phone: 718-710-1191
Email: info@davidjaison.com
Website: https://www.davidjaison.com/
First Coast Comedy
Email: admin@firstcoastcomedy.com
Website: firstcoastcomedy.com
Fun Faces
Phone: 904-200-5244
Email: sherrys.funfaces@protonmail.com
Website: www.funfaces.net
J Jams Entertainment Talent Agency
Phone: 904-495-4095
Email: jjamsentertainment@gmail.com
Website: www.jjamsentertainment.com
Twist of Fun Balloon Art
Phone: 904-568-2472
Email: justin_reams@hotmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/Twistoffunballoonart
A-1 Majestic Sound
Phone: 904-270-1966
Email: jayrock@a-1majesticsound.com
Website: www.jacksonvilledjs.com
Bread & Butter
Phone: 904-994-3217
Email: breadandbutterbooking@gmail.com
Website: www.breadandbutterband.com
DJ Steadman
Phone: 904-343-0300 (c) / 904-442-5088 (o)
Email: info@djsteadman.com
Website: djsteadman.com
D’Land Entertainment & Productions
Phone: 904-880-7887
Email: info@dlandentertainment.com
Footloose Entertainment
Phone: 904-854-8014
Email: info@footlooseentertainment.com
Website: www.footlooseentertainment.com
McGee Entertainment & Events
Phone: 904-635-9388
Email: info@mcgeeentertainment.com
Website: www.mcgeeentertainment.com
The Faze Band
Phone: 904-994-2993
Email: Mark@thefazeband.com
Website: www.thefazeband.com
Who Rescued Who Band
Phone: 904-240-8540
Email: wrwbooking@gmail.com
Website: www.wrwmusic.com
Y? Entertainment
Phone: 904-735-5275
Email: hello@yentertainmentdjs.com
Website: www.yentertainmentdjs.com
Click here for some of Jacksonville's best night life offerings.
Stay up-to-date on what’s new in Jacksonville by following us on our social media accounts. We offer a variety of ways to interact with our staff, find out what’s happening around town, ask locals questions or post your favorite photo while in town. Share your Jacksonville experience by using the #onlyinjax.
Facebook: Visit Jacksonville
Twitter: @Visit_Jax
Instagram: Visit_Jax
YouTube: @Visit_Jax
Pinterest: VisitJax
LinkedIn: Visit Jacksonville
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